Medication Policy


We offer psychiatric evaluations for patients of all ages, from adolescents to elderly individuals, to assess the need for medication. If medication is appropriate, we will schedule regular follow-up appointments to monitor your progress.
The initial psychiatric evaluation typically lasts between 45 and 60 minutes. During this time, we will gather a comprehensive history of your medications, therapy, and illnesses to reach a diagnosis and create a treatment plan. We utilize rating scales and collateral histories to confirm the diagnosis and assess the severity of your symptoms.
To ensure optimal care, we require all patients to see their prescriber every 1-3 months, or as needed, for medication management. Please note that controlled substances will not be refilled beyond the recommended return visit with your provider.
To request a refill of your current medication, please call our office directly at 630-613-9800 or 331-716-9220. Have the name, dose, directions, and pharmacy information ready when you call. Please allow 48 hours for all medication refills.
Please be aware that we do not accept automatic refill requests faxed from pharmacies. Due to changes in pharmacies and medications, please inform your pharmacy to contact our office directly for refill requests.
Your medications will be electronically prescribed by your physician at the end of your in-office or telehealth visit.
If you run out of medication, please do not page your provider after hours for refills, as this may result in a charge. Instead, please leave a voicemail or call during business hours.
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